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Stretching the back of the thighs

(1) Starting position

(2) Lift one leg forward and up until it is bent at the hip

(3) Then slowly move the leg backwards

(4) Repeat with the other leg

(5) Repeat with the other leg


(1) Stand about a meter away from a wall and support yourself with both palms against the wall so that your upper body is leaning forward slightly. (2) Lift and bend the leg to be trained until it is bent at the hip and forms a 90° angle with your upper body. (3) Then, stretch your leg backwards slowly until it forms a straight line with your back. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Do not perform this exercise quickly; the movement should be slow and controlled.


Sets: 5x5 seconds per legs

(1) Stand about a meter away from a wall and support yourself with both palms against the wall so that your upper body is leaning forward slightly. (2) Lift and bend the leg to be trained until it is bent at the hip and forms a 90° angle with your upper body. (3) Then, stretch your leg backwards slowly until it forms a straight line with your back. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Do not perform this exercise quickly; the movement should be slow and controlled.


Sets: 5x5 seconds per leg


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