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Morbus Parkinson

Parkinson's disease is a slowly progressive disease characterized by the dying off of dopamine-producing nerve cells. Dopamine is the messenger substance that transmits impulses from one region of the brain to the other. Simply put, dopamine regulates the sensory signal circuitry needed for motor function. This is extremely important for posturo-kinetic control, which is dysfunctional in patients with Parkinson's disease. The principle of sensorimotor treatment with PROPRIO® foot orthoses aims at restricting the typical “resting tremor” (shaking). With this approach in mind, the pedorthist tries to modify the forefoot area of the foot orthosis in such a way as to lessen the rigidity in the constantly over-tensed muscles of the legs. In many cases this allows minor improvements to be achieved with respect to gait certainty, for example, when climbing stairs.