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Splay foot (pes transversoplanus) / metatarsalgia

Metatarsalgia is the Latin term for pain in the ball of the foot, which is attributable to a change in the foot's shape and can sometimes lead to inflammation. Splay foot (pes transversoplanus) is the most common deformities of foot shape. Almost every adult is at least mildly affected by this condition.

The footprint taken during analysis shows changes in color indicating an overloading of the transverse arches in the anterior foot area. This will not necessarily lead to problems. In many cases, however, affected persons will describe pain under the foot when pressure is put on it as well as callus formation, but also more rapid foot fatigue. Overloading of the transverse arch causes an important element of the forefoot shock-absorption mechanism to be lost.


Since, in most cases, other foot instabilities are associated with splay foot (pes transversoplanus) (see Fallen arches (pes planovalgus)/hollow foot (pes cavus)), PROPRIO® foot orthoses also specifically account for positioning the hindfoot and leg axes. In addition, soft padding of the forefoot can lead to pain relief.